Thursday, June 5, 2008

1920's Timeline

1920- First American Commercial Radio Broadcast
- League of Nations Established
- Women Granted Right To Vote
- Bubonic Plauge in India
1921- First Radio Broadcast of Baseball
- Fatty Arbuckle Scandle
- Irish Free State Proclaimed
1922- King Tut’s Tomb Discovered
- Readers Digest Published
- Mussolini Marches On Rome
1923- Television Mechanical Scanner Invented (Scotland)
- Television Iconoscope Invented (USA)
- TIME Magazine Founded
1924- First Winter Olympic Games
- J. Edgar Hoover Appointed Director of FBI
1925- Charleston Dance Becomes Popular
- Flapper Dresses In Style
- Hitler Publishes Mien Kampf
1926- Aerosol Spray Invented (Norway)
- First 16 mm Movie Film
- A.A Milne publishes Winnie the Pooh
1927- Slow Fox Trot Becomes Popular
- BBC Founded
- Jazz Singer, First Talking Movie
1928- First Schedule TV Broadcast
-Iron Lung Invented (USA)
- First Micky Mouse Cartoon
- Coloured TV Demonstration
1929- Car Radio Invented
- First Academy Awards
- St Valentine’s Day Massacre
- Soviets Invent New Calendar (Five Day Weeks)
- Stock Market Crashes

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