Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1980's Screenplay


VLADIMIR, a recent immigrant from Russia, is taking in the night life of Miami, Florida. He is walking past popular hotel when he hears a scuffle. He looks down an alley way and sees a MAN in a suit beating a COOK with a baseball bat.

Now do you understand why you got to
pay protection? Understand why you got to
pay the Antonella Organization, you schmuck? I ought
to break you legs you piece of trash!

Man raises bat above his head to deliver a bone crushing blow to the Cook.
Vladimir grabs the man by the wrist.

What the..... ?
Sorry comrade, but I am afraid I cannot allow you to do that.

Man wrestles free of Vladimir’s grip.

(To cook)
Who’s this wise guy? Did you hire him to protect
your little greaseball ass? I’m gonna do you both in.

Man pulls out his gun and aims at Vladimir.
Vladimir grabs the lid of a nearby garbage can throws it at the Man.
Man steps aside, looking at trash can lid.

What was that suppose to do? You Eastern European’s
are so useless.
Man looks up.
Vladimir roundhouse kicks him in the head.
Man falls down unconscious

(Shocked and nervously)
Thank you, sir. I thought I was dead, for sure.

Cook looks at the unconscious body

COOK (cont’d.)
Is he dead? Did you kill him? Now Don Antonella
is going to kill me for sure. Not that he wasn’t gonna
whack me in the first place. Jesus Christ, I’m screwed.

Shut up. He is not dead. He is taking a nap, and will have a
headache when he wakes up.
Vladimir begins walking toward the street.

Wait! Where are you going?

I am looking for someone.
I must be going now.

An explosion erupts from the hotel’s kitchen, engulfing the area where the unconscious Man lays.


Well Comrade, it would appear
you are screwed out of your job...
And your life.

You can’t leave me!
The Antonella’s would come after me!

I do not see how this is my problem.

You killed an Antonella’s capo.
They are gonna come after you.

These Antonella’s you speak of
do not know who I am.

I’ll squeal. You are not that hard to
finger. How many Russians are there
in Miami who are loners and looking
for somebody?

Vladimir pulls out a pistol and holds it to the Cooks head.

A cook who just lost his job and on the
run from the mafia is not that hard to find either.
Trust me, Comrade, you do not want me
hunting you too.

(Terrified and anger)
You had a gun you killed a man with a kick
to the friggin head? What is wrong with you?

I do not need your help. I cannot afford
any distractions. You seem to be one of those
people who attract unwanted distractions.

Hey, I might prove to be useful. Who
are you looking for? I might know where
he is. I know a lot about this city.

That I will question until you prove yourself.
But I doubt you would know him.

Come on! Ain’t nobody in this city I don’t know.

Roman Bohdan.

The actor? Roman Bohdan? Pretty much
Hollywood’s golden boy for the last five years?

Where can I find "Mr Golden Boy"?

You ain’t gonna find him in Miami, that’s for sure.
He’s in L.A. That’s over in California, the other side
of the country.
Vladimir kicks over trash can.

Dammit! How am I going to get to California?
I came to this country without a dime in my pocket.
I stole a car to get me here.

Well, it just so happens that the money
that burning mafioso pig wanted is safely
hiding in my back pocket. It’s enough for
two tickets to L.A. What do ya say, Russkie?

Vladimir ponders the offer.
Vladimir puts gun away.

Come Comrade. We have a date in Hollywood.

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