Monday, July 7, 2008

The Dark Side Is Looming

Alirght. I still work a Paddy O'Neils.
Or one of the various names I like to call it; Hell's Anus.

The other day, being a Saturday, we got a new dishwasher.
Now when I say we got a new dishwasher, I actually mean my boss has gone out of his way to find the most worthless piece of crap he can find and says, "Hey. I think you can piss people off! Come work for me."

So we get the new guy. He leaves as soon as I walk into the kitchen.
He leaves me with a bunch of shit to do that should have been done oh, I don't know, let's do the math:

Opening dishwasher comes in a 12pm.
Closing dishwasher comes in a 6pm.
There are only two dishwashers a day.
Day shift is pretty easy. No reason anyone, AND SHOWTIME MEANS ANYONE, should be able to fuck it up.

My boss has managed to hire two guys who have broken ShowTime's Day Dishwasher theory.
Thank God they were not two in a row. I would have killed somebody.

Any way, the math portion of our learning experience:
two dishwasher. one comes in at noon, the other at 6pm.
This gives day dishwasher to get all the shit to be done before 6pm 6 hours to do it in.
And there's not that much to do!
Scrub a few trays, take out cardboard boxes, ect. ect. ect.

I get there, all the shit from the morning, plus all the shit from my shift still has to be done!
1 Broken Blood Vessel.

Saturday night was a busy night. That Art Market was on the Square, so EVERYONE decided that they would eat at the Bedford that night.
I'm running back and forth between the dishwasher and the sink, trying to make sure that everyone has what they need.
Then the night manager says something that made me nearly shove a pan throw his big, dumb, Greek head;
"Brodie! I don't have time for anyone to be taking it easy!"

2 Broken Blood Vessels.

It is now midnight, in theory my shift should be over in half in hour.
12:30am, the Bedford closes.
I like theory's. Why?
Because they completely disregard reality.

I keep working.

It is now 2 am.
Still have some pans to do.
Pans that should have been down 14 hours prior.

Me says: Fuck it.
I'll leave them in the sick, filled with water.
Be ready to clean in the morning.

I clock out and check the time:

3 Broken Blood Vessels.

I walk into work at 6pm. Same assclown as the day before... and the exact same shit that I left for him to do on the ground next the sink.

4 Broken Blood Vessels.

I got everything done Sunday night, including his shit, and Dave tells me that tomorrow (MONDAY) that Assclown dishwasher works and he is cleaning the fryer.

I smile with glee.

Then I realize this.

I will walk into the kitchen tomorrow (TUESDAY) to report from my two days (TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY) in the Anus.
And there, lying on the ground, being neglected by two dishwasher before me, will be the grill.
I will then commence my killing spree.

Now I know what you all are thinking;
"But Brodie, he's just new!"
A) You will refer to me as ShowTime
B) I was new once. Being new has nothing to do with neglecting your duties for washing the dishes received on your shift.
Not wanting to do the shit you have been appointed to do, however, does.

Now you are saying:
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Well ladies and gentlemen, as Nick Broadley once left a message on Quinn Bradley's phone,

"The Dark Side Is Looming".

Monday, June 16, 2008

Multi-Media Comparison: TRANSFORMERS

Multi-Media Transformers

Since their debut as a toy in 1984, Transformers has been a hit with people for years. Transformers is also an excellent example of a property that has been in more than one form a media. Not only did it start as a toy phenomenon, it has grown to a huge thing on pages and screens. Transformers has had many TV shows ("Generation One" 1984 - 1992, "Generation Two" 1992 - 1995, Beast Wars/ Beast Machines 1996 - 2001, and various other series from 2000 to the present), comic books, and movies [Transformers: the movie (1986) and Transformers (2007)]. Transformers has easily spread to many forms of entertainment, but at what cost?

The Transformers television show came about after the toy line and comic book has seen great success. Generation One Transformers was created as a result of the success of the toy line. In 1992, Transformers was revamped. Generation Two Transformers was to help promote the new toy line. Generation Two ran until 1995. By the time 1996 rolled around a new concept of Transformers was created, which gave birth to a new Transformers universe ans story line, Beast Wars. Beast Wars was set on prehistoric earth which. Autobot and Decipticon decadents, the Maximals and Predicons (respectively) travel back in time and take the form of prehistoric beast.

Beast Wars ran until 2000, and had a continuation of the show called Beast Machines, which was no where near as successful as previous names in the Transformers world. Since 2000, many variations of the origins of the Transformers have been reproduced. Within the last few years, three Transformers shows have been released which saw great success with the new Transformers movie that was released in 2007.
Marvel Comics quickly saw the success that the Transformers toy line had and worked a deal Hasbro (the creators of Transformers) to create a Transformers comic book line. Like the toy line, the comics saw a great success. This success was also a reason to create a Transformers television show. The comic books (one in the U.S, another in the U.K) and tv show had stories that ran along with one another. However the comic book had trouble keeping up with the television show and first movie, as Transformers: the Movie created a completely different story line. The Generation One comic ended shortly before the Generation One Transformers television show did. In 1993, to help aid the new brand of Transformers (Generation 2), the Transformers made a five issue return in another Marvel/Hasbro comic line; G.I. Joe. In 2000, to help bring back the classic Generation 1 Transfomers, Mavel started to release mini-issues of Transformer comic books. The most recent mini-issue is Transformers Movie Sequel: The Reign of Starscream.

In 1986, Transformers had become a huge success in two years. Hasbro felt it necessary to create a Transformers movie, appropriately titled Transformers: The Movie. This movie not only certified how hugely popular Transformers had become, but also set the plot for a new season of Transformers Generation One televison show. In 2005, director Michael Bay (Armageddon, Bad Boys, Pearl Harbor, the Rock) took on the task of creating a live-action Transformers movie. In 2007 Transformers was released and had a huge reception. This new movie was to pay homage not only to the old 1980's style of movie, but to the success of the Hasbro and the Transformers saga. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is set to be released in 2009. Michael Bay, and others who have worked on the film, have released that even twenty years after the original Transformer toy came off the line, their influence and "fun" are still felt in today’s world.

It has been twenty-three years since the first Transformers rolled off the production line. Now, as then, the Transformers saga has had a huge influence in our modern media. Transformers has captured the imagination of children and adults alike for two and a half decades. Many Transformer fans of the 1980's are still fans today (some even claiming that the Beast Wars era as their favorite). Even today, with the new movie franchise, Transformers is still a huge part of our media. The Transformers saga is truly an amazing thing, with various of televison shows and video games, comic books, two (soon to be three) movies, and, of course, action figures. There will always be something to the Transformers franchise that will continue to attract people to it for many more years, because there will always be something about Transformers "then what meets the eye".

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Movie Character Profile: RUSHMORE: Max Fischer

Character Profile: Max Fischer

In the movie, Rushmore, the audience can clearly notice a development with Max Fischer, the movies lead character. Max Fischer goes from the eccentric 15-year old Rushmore Academy student in the “Upper World” of the movie. As the movie progresses, Max enters the “Under World” and emerges as a new student at Grover Cleveland High.
At the start of the movie, Max is in the “Upper World”. He attends Rushmore Acadamy amd is involved in many extracurricular activities. However, we (the audience) discover that Max has failed all of his courses, and will be expelled after the next course he fails.
At the same time we are introduced to Mr Blume Ms Cross. Max befriends Mr Blume quickly, and becomes affectionate towards Ms Cross. Max, smitten by Ms Cross, tries to learn about her and things she enjoys.
After discovering Ms Cross likes fishes and aquatic life, Max decides he is going to build her an aquarium on Rushmore grounds. However, he does this without the consent or knowledge of the school board. At the grounds breaking ceremony, Max is taken into the headmaster’s office were he is expelled. It is at this point in the movie that Max enters the “Underworld”.
As Max continues on into the “Underworld”, his world continues to fall apart. He goes to Grover Cleveland High School, where he is clearly different from all of his fellow students. Max also learns that his friend, Mr Blume has become romantically involved with Ms Corss. He learns this from his sidekick Dirk. Dirk, who initially was not going to inform Mx on this affair, does so because he has learned that Max was using him to get closer to Dirk’s mother. It is at this point in the film that Max has reached his lowest point. He drops out of Grover Cleveland and starts to work for his father at the barber shop. This action represents Max living out his lowest point. Earlier in the movie he claimed that his father was a neurosurgeon, trying to make it sound like his family is not the lower class function that is.
One day, Dirk stops by the barber shop. In this encounter, Dirk apologizes for what he has down to Max, and Max apologizes for using Dirk. This scene sets up Max’s return from the “Underworld”. Max goes around making amends for his wrong doings he has done to Mr Blume and Ms Cross.
Max returns to Grover Cleveland high school and starts production for his new play, which is the same play he wrote that got him into Rushmore.
Max runs into Mr Blume at the hospital as they are both going to visit the headmaster of Rushmore, who had suffered a stroke. The two (Max and Blume) reconcile. Max learns of the falling out between Blume and Ms Cross, so Max makes it his personal mission to reunite the two.
Max devises a plan to have the two sit beside each other at his new play at Grover Cleveland. Blume and Cross reconcile by the end of the movie. Max, as well finds a special person of his own. Max introduces his father as a barber. This move shows that Max has come to terms with who he is.
As the movie ends, Ms Cross and Max are walking onto the dance floor to share a dance at the play’s after party. It is at this moment that Max returns from the Underworld. He is still, is some way, the same 15 year old who was expelled from Rushmore, as in more extracurricular activities than school work. But now he has changed. He is no longer after the girl, but wanting the girl to be happy. Max emerges from the “Underworld” as a new person.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

1920's Timeline

1920- First American Commercial Radio Broadcast
- League of Nations Established
- Women Granted Right To Vote
- Bubonic Plauge in India
1921- First Radio Broadcast of Baseball
- Fatty Arbuckle Scandle
- Irish Free State Proclaimed
1922- King Tut’s Tomb Discovered
- Readers Digest Published
- Mussolini Marches On Rome
1923- Television Mechanical Scanner Invented (Scotland)
- Television Iconoscope Invented (USA)
- TIME Magazine Founded
1924- First Winter Olympic Games
- J. Edgar Hoover Appointed Director of FBI
1925- Charleston Dance Becomes Popular
- Flapper Dresses In Style
- Hitler Publishes Mien Kampf
1926- Aerosol Spray Invented (Norway)
- First 16 mm Movie Film
- A.A Milne publishes Winnie the Pooh
1927- Slow Fox Trot Becomes Popular
- BBC Founded
- Jazz Singer, First Talking Movie
1928- First Schedule TV Broadcast
-Iron Lung Invented (USA)
- First Micky Mouse Cartoon
- Coloured TV Demonstration
1929- Car Radio Invented
- First Academy Awards
- St Valentine’s Day Massacre
- Soviets Invent New Calendar (Five Day Weeks)
- Stock Market Crashes

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

WWII Propaganda Poster

1980's Screenplay


VLADIMIR, a recent immigrant from Russia, is taking in the night life of Miami, Florida. He is walking past popular hotel when he hears a scuffle. He looks down an alley way and sees a MAN in a suit beating a COOK with a baseball bat.

Now do you understand why you got to
pay protection? Understand why you got to
pay the Antonella Organization, you schmuck? I ought
to break you legs you piece of trash!

Man raises bat above his head to deliver a bone crushing blow to the Cook.
Vladimir grabs the man by the wrist.

What the..... ?
Sorry comrade, but I am afraid I cannot allow you to do that.

Man wrestles free of Vladimir’s grip.

(To cook)
Who’s this wise guy? Did you hire him to protect
your little greaseball ass? I’m gonna do you both in.

Man pulls out his gun and aims at Vladimir.
Vladimir grabs the lid of a nearby garbage can throws it at the Man.
Man steps aside, looking at trash can lid.

What was that suppose to do? You Eastern European’s
are so useless.
Man looks up.
Vladimir roundhouse kicks him in the head.
Man falls down unconscious

(Shocked and nervously)
Thank you, sir. I thought I was dead, for sure.

Cook looks at the unconscious body

COOK (cont’d.)
Is he dead? Did you kill him? Now Don Antonella
is going to kill me for sure. Not that he wasn’t gonna
whack me in the first place. Jesus Christ, I’m screwed.

Shut up. He is not dead. He is taking a nap, and will have a
headache when he wakes up.
Vladimir begins walking toward the street.

Wait! Where are you going?

I am looking for someone.
I must be going now.

An explosion erupts from the hotel’s kitchen, engulfing the area where the unconscious Man lays.


Well Comrade, it would appear
you are screwed out of your job...
And your life.

You can’t leave me!
The Antonella’s would come after me!

I do not see how this is my problem.

You killed an Antonella’s capo.
They are gonna come after you.

These Antonella’s you speak of
do not know who I am.

I’ll squeal. You are not that hard to
finger. How many Russians are there
in Miami who are loners and looking
for somebody?

Vladimir pulls out a pistol and holds it to the Cooks head.

A cook who just lost his job and on the
run from the mafia is not that hard to find either.
Trust me, Comrade, you do not want me
hunting you too.

(Terrified and anger)
You had a gun you killed a man with a kick
to the friggin head? What is wrong with you?

I do not need your help. I cannot afford
any distractions. You seem to be one of those
people who attract unwanted distractions.

Hey, I might prove to be useful. Who
are you looking for? I might know where
he is. I know a lot about this city.

That I will question until you prove yourself.
But I doubt you would know him.

Come on! Ain’t nobody in this city I don’t know.

Roman Bohdan.

The actor? Roman Bohdan? Pretty much
Hollywood’s golden boy for the last five years?

Where can I find "Mr Golden Boy"?

You ain’t gonna find him in Miami, that’s for sure.
He’s in L.A. That’s over in California, the other side
of the country.
Vladimir kicks over trash can.

Dammit! How am I going to get to California?
I came to this country without a dime in my pocket.
I stole a car to get me here.

Well, it just so happens that the money
that burning mafioso pig wanted is safely
hiding in my back pocket. It’s enough for
two tickets to L.A. What do ya say, Russkie?

Vladimir ponders the offer.
Vladimir puts gun away.

Come Comrade. We have a date in Hollywood.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



Some Like It Hot
During the 1950's, there were many social changes. The "American Dream" of owning a house and car in the suburbs, and having a wife, three children and a dog became ever more popular along with the old Dream of being able to come from nothing to be something. The seeds of the Civil Rights movements were planted, Rock and Roll became popular among teens, and people became more comfortable about talking about sex. In fact, during the 1950's the "Sexual Revolution" took place. Men began to feel increasingly comfortable about announcing homosexuality. In 1953, Hugh Hefner published the first Playboy Magazine, and the first Playboy Centerfold - and American sex symbol - was Marilyn Monroe.
This increase in sexuality, and being sexually comfortable is evident in the 1959 movie Some Like It Hot, starring Marilyn Monroe. The scene from Some Like It Hot that shows America’s increasing comfort with sexuality is the "party" scene on the train. This part of the film show many women (Monroe more than the others) in their "sleeping attire" at a period in time when that would be seen as very risky and almost in direct violation of the Hayes Code. Also, Monroe’s "naked dress" - a dress that at first glance gives the appearance that Monroe is not wearing anything - is a shock for audiences of this time. And of course, the last line of the film was a comedic shock to the movie. Osgood Fielding’s response to Daphne telling Osgood that she is really Jerry, "Hey, nobody’s perfect,", implies that Osgood Fielding maybe a homosexual at a time when homosexuality (in the film) is illegal, and (in reality) just becoming comfortable among males to announce their homosexuality.
The old idea of the American Dream is also shown in the film. Jerry and Joe go from being to struggling musicians in Chicago to being somewhat well off in Miami; Joe with Sugar and Jerry / Daphne with Osgood Fielding on their way to a yacht at the end of the movie. Also Sugar’s character shows an aspect of this American Dream. She runs off from her home and family to achieve success as the singer of a jazz band. This idea of going from nothing to something is an old aspect of the American Dream, but one that has proved itself time and time again as something that is possible to do.


Nathaniel Adams Coles, better known as Nat "King" Cole, was born in Montgomery, Alabama, 1919. His father, Edward, became a pastor in Chicago when Nat was four years old. Nat and his father, along with his mother, Perlina, and his older brother, Edward Jr, and two sisters, Eddie Mae Evelyn moved north to Chicago - where his two younger brothers, Issac and Lionel were born.
Perlina was choir director at her husband’s church, introduced the children to music at an early age; all four of her sons went on to become professional musicians. By the age of 12, Nat Cole was taking professional lessons. At Wendelle Phillips High School, Cole became infatuated with Jazz music; as Chicago’s African American south side was the center of the city’s Jazz music.
By age 16, Cole was a pianist for his brother Edward’s quintet, Solid Swingers. Cole dropped out of school before earning his diploma, and in 1936 he performed on the Decca company’s Sepia Series (records aimed at black audience’s). In 1937, Nat and Edward joined Shuffle Along. After six weeks in Chicago, Shuffle Along went on tour. It was during this tour Nat Cole married dancer Nadine Robinson. The tour abruptly ended in Long Beach, but Cole and Robinson decided to stay on the West Coast. Cole began working at the Century Club- a favorite hang out for Los Angeles jazz players. In 1936, Nat was asked to put together a group to play at the Sewanee Inn. He recruited guitarist Oscar Moore, bassist Wesley Prince, and drummer Lee Young. Young failed to appear on the opening night, but the trio went on and played. Sewanee Inn owner Bob Lewis nicknamed Nat Coles "King" Cole. This performance was the birth of the King Cole Trio.
By 1946, Nat began to move towards a solo career, which was regard as artistic sellout to many jazz musicians. Many have attributed Cole’s movement to mainstream music to Maria Ellington, a young singer who Cole met in 1946. Many people close to Cole thought that the intelligent Ellington was calculating, controlling, and snobbish. Other claim that Nat enjoyed many kinds of music and felt that he was too confined in Jazz. After divorcing Robinson, Nat Cole married Maria Ellington in 1948. The couple had three daughters, and adopted a son and daughter.
Nat’s first major hit after stepping away from Jazz was "Nature Boy" and was a major hit in 1948. Nat wrote meaningful songs that made his vocal limits seem meaningless. In 1956, Cole was given his own television show, "The Nat King Cole Show" on NBC. The show left the air after year despite good ratings. Cole’s African heritage was seemed as a waste of money to sponsor as it would only draw black audiences. Rock and Roll, the revitalized career of Frank Sinatra, and competition from younger black "crooners" caused Nat "King" Coles popularity to fade, so he began acting. In 1964, Coles was diagnosed with a case of advanced lung cancer, as he was a heavy smoker, and on February 15, 1965, Nat "King" Cole passed away.
In 1991, Coles legacy saw a resurgence when his daughter Natalie blended her voice with his top charter "Unforgettable". Also, recordings of the Nat King Cole Trio were released in 1991, giving new insight to the career and legacy of Nat "King" Cole.


Daily Farm Life
I am a farmer, and I live about a mile outside of the city of Childress in Childress County, Texas. Life is hard in the year of 1938. It’s been nine years since the Stock Market crashed. For awhile the family and I were doing well, but then this drought hit, and it has been hard to grow enough to support my family. My wife keeps nagging me to move the family into Childress, but I can’t leave this farm. It was my grandad’s, and his before that. If my family were to move, it would be a disgrace to generations of hard work, and that is not the American way.
Besides, I don’t know what else I could. I’ve been farming my entire life. It was what I was born into, just like my father, and his before that. Farming is in my blood, and I am not no good at anything else. To get a new career so late in life does not make sense to me. There is no rationality to it. But my wife keeps saying it would be for the best of the family. I don’t know what I should do. I think my wife just wants to return to the city.
"There is electricity in town after all ," is argument she keeps using against me. But I hard from old Mr. Ray from down the road that the County is planning on putting up some electrical poles. To have electricity out here would change the lives of many farm families like my own. I have a hard time believing that. But Mr. Ray is rarely wrong, so I have total faith in what he says. If the he says the County is putting up poles out here, then I am going to believe him. But I have also heard that it’s going to cost us folk out here ten dollars for every mile of wires and poles every month. That’s the plan for up in Kansas, or so I’ve heard. I have also heard that families up there are also banning together so each family has to pay roughly three dollars for the electricity.
But my family can’t afford three dollars a month to pay for electricity. Like I said, we can hardly afford enough for ourselves. And it’s no use for my wife to get a job in town, it’s too far, and I just sold our family car to pay for this months groceries.
The future for this family seems uncertain and I don’t know if we can survive out here much longer. Something needs to happen soon that will get the economy of the United States of America rolling again so average, hard working, farm families like mine can get some security back. I just don’t know what to do.